Matt Tattersall with a blue shark that he and Justin Latter caught offshore from Barwon Heads last week.

Tony Busher with a nice whiting taken off Portland (Picture: Bob McPherson).
Corio Bay/Bellarine Peninsula
With snapper slow-going on Corio Bay’s outer harbour, Thursday evening’s full moon saw Andrew Phillips and George Uranus at anchor in eight metres of water offshore from the refinery, anticipating the forthcoming low tide change.
A good move as it turned out for they caught a snapper of about 6 kg at 11.45 pm and another slightly smaller fish at 1.30 am.
Mike Windsor of Clifton Springs Boat Hire reports that fishing had picked up over the past week or so with Andrew Johnson and Brodie Bell teaching a dozen or so good size pinkies a tough catch and release lesson with soft plastics off Point Richards.
That was on Thursday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon, Noel, Kirt, Matt and Mitchell Behan, found the whiting in 5.5 metres of water off Spray Farm, taking 30 fish to 40 cm.
Fishing in much the same area were Will Stevens and Goran Vijator who also picked up 30 whiting using pipis and prawns for bait.
Mike also mentions that the new jetty at Clifton Springs has attracted a good many hopefuls with both flathead and bream on offer from here, particularly toward dusk.
Column contributor Jeff Richards’ brother David sought advice – which was duly given – on where he and friends Scott and Harry Smith, might pick up a few good size whiting on Wednesday afternoon, and perhaps a squid or two.
As recommended, Drapers Reef in front of the Sea Pilots Jetty provided the squid they sought for bait, while the grass beds off Swan Island provided 37 whiting; the biggest measuring 44 cm.
In fact the Swan Island grass beds have provided reliable whiting fishing for some time now: On Sunday, Daniel Stranger of Gone Fishing Charter picked up 43 beauties from 6 metres of water for his clients out here on the ebb tide.
Rod Ludlow of Beachlea Boat Hire at Indented Head reports that flathead remain the best chance around the Bellarine Peninsula with respectable catches still coming in: And his friend Kevin Carty had a story to tell:
After paddling a large bait out from Thirteenth Beach with his kayak early last week, Kevin was hopeful of hooking a shark, and on returning to shore, found he had already done so.
Startling nearby surfers – first, as it leaped from the water as Kevin patiently gained line, and again as Kevin set it free at the water’s edge – it did attract some less than friendly comments, but as the shark was about two and half metres in length, his options were limited.

Lockie Wombell and Hugh Johnstone with a sample of their weekend’s whiting catch (Picture: Bob McPherson).

Judith and Jason Sillato with their mixed bag of flathead and whiting off Portland (Picture: Bob McPherson).
Picking a break in the weather last week Matt Tattersall and Justin Latter headed out from Barwon Heads where they began a drift in around 50 metres of water. At first there was nothing doing, but an inquisitive blue shark of around two metres long appeared in their berley and was tempted to take a bait.
John Clements of the Lake Purrumbete Caravan Park reports that among those to catch brown trout from Lake Purrumbete was Bill Zahra of Altona who picked up two at 2.7 kg apiece while trolling a lure behind a down-rigger early on Sunday morning.
John also mentions that good size redfin rewarded Geelong anglers Terry Lindsay and Norm Armstrong, both of whom took good catches to a kilogram or so using minnow for bait.
On Sunday evening, John took Angus Robinson 15, from Altona, and Hanna Phillips 12, from Portland, out on the redfin and they too did well with the same approach.
Down Portland way, Bob McPherson – along with Lockie Wombell, Hugh Johnson and Tony Busher – was onto the whiting off Portland again with some really big fish among them. However, there was standing room only at the cleaning tables at times with the wide variety, and number of fish being taken here at the weekend.
Fishing competition
Next Sunday (22/01/17), the St Leonards Angling Club is hosting a fishing competition at McLeod’s Waterhole off Wyndham St, Drysdale (Melway ref. 456 G10) along with a free sausage sizzle. European carp are on offer and the wearing of gumboots is suggested.
The event is sponsored by the State Government’s Economic Development sector with Fishcare Victoria in attendance to provide advice, along with fishing tackle and bait if required. Contact either Phil on 0411 215 146 or Bruce on 0428 988 898 for more details.
Ollie asks:
Geoff, I keep hearing about snapper being taken over the “deep mud” off Portarlington, or is it Indented Head? Can you please tell me where it is, or even give me a GPS mark?
Ollie, the deep mud is a general term given to the whole area off the Prince George Bank between Portarlington and the Great Sand off St Leonards. I’m sure there are many productive GPS marks, but I suggest you try WGS84 ref 144 47 500 E X 38 08 700 S off Indented Head or WGS84 ref 144 48 500 E X 38 10 800 S off St Leonards.